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Thursday 22 July 2010

The dubious benefits of an Eton education - David Cameron gets confused in the US over WW2

I can't say it any better than Andrew Neill. Slip of the tongue my ****!

You can send a rich boy to Eton, and Eton can make him Prime Minister but it can't add anything between his ears.

Perhaps the Boy David should consult Michael Gove and his favoured historian, Niall Ferguson, champion of the Bush Regime, the American Empire and the British Empire.


  1. Perhaps Mr Cameron has watched too many American films on WW11. My father, a POW for almost five years after the debacle at St Valery en Caux - always considered WW11 in Europe to have been 'won' by the Russian winters in particular which, along with the Russian military and civilian fortitude, devastated the German military ambition etc..

    Mr Cameron's ambition has grown from undermining the integrity of the Scottish electorate and its devolved reponsibility to the entire UK electorate - to have the UK PM pander to the US by insulting the recent past and current electorate is beyond a gaffe - and we used to think Tony Blair was the epitome of grovelling to the US!

    I hope Mr Cameron gets a copy of the First Minister's letter to the US Senate re Mr Al-Megrahi.
